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Psychic Children: Do you have one?

Have you ever seen your baby looking around the room as if following something you can't see? Have you ever noticed your child playing with someone that just wasn't there? Well maybe there really was something there, and maybe your child is naturally psychic! Psychic children are everywhere, and with their innocence, they are able to see things that we just can't see, hear things we can't hear and tap into energies most of us can't. In today's article, I want to talk about psychic children, and the signs that you have one!

The first sign of a psychic child is the fact they have an imaginary friend...only this spirit cord cutting friend isn't imaginary. They have a name, have a story, have a personality and your child really just knows too much about this imaginary friend for it to be fake. For example, my son is now twelve years old, however when he was younger, he had an imaginary friend named Chris. He would play trucks, go on imaginary hunts, climb trees, and do everything with Chris. He knew his whole story, from his parents names to where he lived. The only thing was, Chris had died many years ago, getting struck by a vehicle on the way to school. He never knew Chris - he had passed away long before we moved to the area. So if this is happening to your child - they are probably psychic.

Another sign that your child is psychic pertains to their vivid dreams. All of us dreams, yet it is the ones who vividly remember their dreams, especially the dream of being outside their body, that are most likely psychic. A lot of children have dreams of playing, or running, or being at school - and they may remember them for a little while. Yet the fact is most children forget their dreams. The sign of a psychic child is not only are they remembering their dreams with vivid details, yet they are usually of flying, or being outside of their body. This is a sign they are connected with the universal energies, and even if they don't know it yet, they have spiritual abilities which are really special, and should be encouraged not discouraged in any way. You don't want to put out this special flame that they have within themselves.

The third sign that you have a psychic child is they are a natural empath. Your child is naturally just amazing with animals - they are attracted to your child. They also just know when something is bothering you, or when you are sick. You will find them being extra gentle with you in times that you are stressed - and you never even told them anything was bothering you at all. This is a huge sign that your child is psychic, and this ability of theirs will only get stronger with age. They tend to be more alone, only due to the fact that empaths feel the energy and emotions around them. So if this is your child - they are psychic, and are very special. They should be handled more delicately, and their introvercy shouldn't be judged. This is just who they are naturally and it isn't wrong at all.

The fourth sign of a psychic child is you are finding that they just know things that they don't have any way of knowing. This can be anything really, such as they just know who is on the phone, even with no caller ID, or they just know where you guys are going when nobody told them. They may tell you something out of the blue and later that day it turns out happening. The possibilities are endless, but you are finding that they just know things and it is weird. An example of this is my family and I were planning a trip for my son to Disney World. We kept it very secret, he knew absolutely nothing about it. A week before he was planned to leave, he came up to me and told me he had a dream that he was going to Disney World, and he knew that we were leaving in a week. Some of the things he knows are amazing, he really takes after me in those ways. Psychic abilities tend to be genetic, so it didn't surprise me at all he had the gift as well. So if your child is just knowing things without a way to know them - they are psychic.

The fifth sign has a lot to do with some of the things I talked about in the fourth sign. Your child is probably psychic if someone in your family is psychic as well. Since psychic abilities, along with all spiritual abilities, are genetic, if you have a family history of psychics, such as an aunt, uncle, grandmother, mother - anyone in your family that is a psychic, your child is probably psychic too. This is how my son got his abilities. You may not even know that you have a spiritual ability, and finding out that your child has one may lead you to finding out you have one too and they probably got it from you! Ask around in your family, maybe someone knows of the psychic history and would be glad to tell you! You can learn a lot through your child, and this is just another sign they have psychic abilities.

The sixth sign that your child is a psychic is the fact they are afraid of the dark. While being afraid of the dark is in fact a common childhood fear, it can also mean that your child is seeing something when those lights go out that you cannot see. This happened to me as a child, and happened to my son too when he was young. I was petrified of the dark. I saw things in the dark and it wasn't only my imagination. The shadows would start moving, I would hear things, the closet door would open, I would hear voices, I would feel the breath of an unseen entity on my face - it just goes on and on, and it all happened in the dark. You can't just take the fact a child is afraid of the dark as a childhood phase. That is an excuse. When a child is afraid of the dark there is often more of a reason than just a scary movie frightening them - there may be something really there - so if this is happening to your child, they probably have psychic abilities and are seeing something you can't see.

There are many more signs of a psychic child, however these are the most prominent and most powerful. I was once a psychic child too - and I know how it can be to feel out of place, to feel that nobody understands you, to feel like you don't belong and to feel that you are weird. This is another reason natural psychic children often tend to stay by themselves. So if you find that these signs apply to your child, talk to them, let them know you are there for them if they need someone to talk to. Let them know they aren't weird - they are special and their gifts aren't a bad thing. Embrace all that they are, and in return they will love and accept themselves. Your child is a diamond - they are special - and if these signs apply to your child, they are in fact psychic!

Do you have a psychic child? What are their signs? Let me know in the comments, and don't forget psychic reading affiliates to share this article with your friends and family - maybe they have a psychic child as well!

Written by Demetri Welsh of the RVP Platform. (www.rawveganpsychic.com)

Psychic Medium: Are you one?

I was born feeling like I was different from other people, feeling like I didn't quite belong and for many years many people thought I was crazy. After so long I even had convinced myself that I was crazy. Yet it didn't sit well with me. Some of my first memories were just knowing things before they happened, talking with animals, seeing messages in the sky and every time I tried to talk to someone about it I was shut out. I was called evil. I was called a devil worshiper and this hurt me. I am not religious at all, that includes even believing in the devil - I don't. My gifts were proven right time after time and I was even reprimanded religiously for it which is why I don't go to church anymore.

Have you ever felt different and you know you aren't crazy? You know something is going on and even though other people shun it out, it leaves you wanting to know more? You may have a spiritual gift, you may be a psychic medium. A psychic medium is like a hugely gifted empath, only the medium can feel the feelings, emotions and energy of both the living and the dead. It's a genuine gift and no, it doesn't make you evil, it doesn't make you crazy or lame. It makes you special and you're not alone. There are millions of people with spiritual gifts, and in this article I want to give you some signs that you may be a psychic medium.

The first sign that you are a psychic medium is you have conversations with animals, and you always have. No, you may not hear their responses but that doesn't stop you. I've done this my whole life. I've always felt a special connection to animals and I will literally talk to my animals. Sure, some people will always think I'm crazy and there is no changing their minds. That is okay because I have a strong sense of self worth, everyone should and it takes being confident in yourself not to let other people's negativity and disbelief bring you down. Having 'pretend' conversations with animals is just one sign of being a natural psychic medium.

Another sign of a natural psychic medium is you have an unexplained fear of the dark, either now or in your childhood. This is common in natural mediums because even if you don't know it, you can feel something in that darkness. Your parents may have told you nothing is there, even come into your room to check and it was all clear. Sure, it was all clear in the light, but you know there is something in that darkness. This is usually a fear when psychic medium gifts are starting to manifest, you're opening up to energy and generally this fear only lasts a few years yet in some it never goes away. Scary right?

The third sign of being a natural psychic medium is you've always had an interest in the paranormal, and you don't know why. It's not like you were exposed to it or anything of the sort. You are just pulled to it and I can resonate with this on a personal level. My adopted parents were Mormons, anything to do with the paranormal was considered evil and of the devil so I definitely wasn't exposed to it. It's just always been a part of me, I felt connected to the other side and if this applies to you, you're probably a natural psychic medium.

The fourth sign of being a natural psychic medium spirit cord cutting is you have a very active dream life. Sometimes, it's like you can actually control them and you probably can! That is a completely different gift on it's own called lucid dreaming - the power to control your dreams. Walk where you want to walk, say what you want to say, do what you want to do it's very empowering. Having a vivid dream life is a sign of being a natural psychic medium because it means your brain is more awake, more in-tune with the energies around it and the fact you can control those dreams definitely means you're special, and you're probably a psychic medium naturally.

The fifth sign of being a natural psychic medium is when you're alone you just feel like you're being watched. It's not a comfortable feeling. You often find yourself closing blinds, closing curtains, turning on lights, and being overall paranoid. You don't know who or what is watching you but you feel those eyes looking directly at you and it just gives you the goosebumps. This is a common sign in mediums and the reason is you are feeling another spirit in the room. Your senses are picking up on that spirit, which is proof you have a special gift.

The sixth sign of being a natural psychic medium is waking up all the sudden for no reason at night or just not sleeping too well in general. Energies are at their peak during the night time hours because there isn't as much interference getting in their way. My black magic removal husband and I both get sleep paralysis, we see things in the room, we wake up randomly for no reason and I always have a bad sleeping experience. I always have and it's something I struggle with. If this is happening to you, you may be a natural psychic medium.

The last sign of being a psychic medium is electronics, lights and other things either break, glitch or go out when you are around. Radio stations will go fuzzy when you're next to the antenna, computers will freeze - things like this. These are signs you're a natural psychic medium. I have gone through so many computers, changed so many light-bulbs, gone through so many TV's and cell phones it's crazy. They just don't agree with my energy and are often having to be replaced. This is a huge sign that you're spiritually gifted and that's a special thing.

Another sign is if you've ever been to a psychic, a witch doctor or alternative healer for any of the things mentioned above. Having a gift may make you different, but it doesn't make you wrong, bad, evil or crazy. It makes you special so if any of these signs apply to you odds are you're a natural psychic medium. So do research, open up your mind. Developing gifts is a truly enlightening experience that everyone has the potential to achieve. With the world being locked down right now it's the perfect time to start opening up your psychic reading affiliates gifts. I recommend a book called Psychic Development for Beginners. This is the first book I ever read and it's what really opened me up fully. Either way, you aren't alone and if you need someone to talk to I will be here for you. Have a safe week ahead.

Written by Demetri Welsh of the RVP Platform. (www.rawveganpsychic.com)

Why is our true history hidden from us?

I have written about a lot of the important history that is hidden from us in the past. It's a lot to take in, and even posting about it got my brand censored on Facebook and Instagram. Today I want to go more into why our history is being hidden from us.

I want to first bring up a few examples of what my other post mentioned, just to bring it up fresh, to get it on your mind, in efforts to better bring me to my point. For example, the ancient tree stumps bigger than mountains. It's right there in our face and you can't hide from it. Another example is the fossilized human footprints walking side by side with dinosaurs. Yet dinosaurs went extinct about 45 million years ago or so. We are taught that humans aren't that old, supposedly we barely came into existence around 7 million years ago. Then how are there fossilized footprints walking side by side? It doesn't make sense. The giant skeletons of New Mexico that were found in the 1900's, those were hidden from us, taken out of the papers, and squashed. Truthers try to bring it up, bring awareness to it, and we are shut down, censored and banned in most cases. But why?

There is no easy answer to this. As mentioned in my other article about hidden history, religion, laws, and false history are there to dumb us down as a people. If we really knew our history, if we really knew where we came from, we would be a stronger people as a whole. Enlightened to who energy healing we really are, and with that wisdom comes power. The world as it is set up right now is a system of failure. You aren't supposed to succeed, and if you do, you give most of it to the world government through taxes and such. There have been those that have tried to fight the system, and these are the people that end up going missing. You may have read in one of my previous posts that lately there has been a black car that sits outside my home every since I posted that true history update. After I posted that blog post, the car has no longer been around, but my home video security lights keep coming on inside the house, when those cameras aren't even active unless I'm not home. They still come on, and it brings a feeling of being violated with it. Anyhow, we are fed a false history so we won't know our true potential.

That wisdom has always been kept from us, locked away in the Vatican archives. For this very reason the Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground. To wipe that true history from the Earth forever, in efforts to dumb down society and rule the people. Caesar is the person responsible for that. Some say he was the first Anti-Christ, including the legendary Nostradamus, simply because he is solely the reason we don't have that knowledge any longer. The day that library was burnt to the ground was the day we died as a species. Some say that the remains of the scrolls that didn't burn are in the Vatican archives to this day, but why isn't that information revealed to us, the public?

That reason is because the remnants of the scrolls revealed the truth about religion, and it's contents are enough to bring down the #1 money making religion of all time: Catholicism. It is such a corrupt world that we live in, that we may never know our true history. Where did we come from, what are we capable of, do we have family in the stars? These are all questions that have been on my mind for the longest time. I have always known and felt that we are older than we are taught. I have always known that we in no way came from monkeys. I have always felt that much of the world is hidden from us. How is it that the whole Universe is mapped, but we haven't explored 90% of our own oceans? Some say that there are cities under our oceans. Are they extra-terrestrial, or have they always been here. Are we the real aliens? How is it that there is absolutely zero human like species on earth? Yet you can find dozens of different kinds of horses, alligators, flies, monkey's and everything else? Humans are the only form of our kind on Earth, or at least that is what we are taught.

Are UFO's really extra-terrestrials? Are they drones? Do they belong to the Government? If so, why hasn't that information been released? It gives you a lot to think about. Personally, I feel it's a mixture of all the above. Some are drones, it's true. Some are Government owned, there have been whistle blowers that have come out with this information, and yes. Some are actual extra-terrestrials however are they really from under our oceans, and deep under the Earth? There is photo evidence of an underground psychic healing entry way off the coast of California, I will include the picture below. There have been several reports of UFO's flying up out of the water above it. Is this an underground alien base, or is it what most black magic removal people think it is: an underground military base that we are made to think is aliens. It has long been thought that the government works hand in hand with extra-terrestrials. (I believe they are from right here on Earth). Technology is traded for human sampling and testing. This isn't just conspiracy theory, there are declassified documents out there that talk about this. It's really scary.

Perhaps we are lied to because the truth is too scary or too large to comprehend. Perhaps it is all about controlling the people. I don't feel that anything is too vast to comprehend for us, if we were just given the chance. We need to know who we are. It makes all the sense in the world why the Vatican hides it's information, the Catholic church would cease to exist because the plain truth is religion was created to control the people. To give a specific set of laws to follow, telling you an all powerful God that sits up in the clouds will jolt psychic reading affiliates you with lightning, or condemn you to burn for all eternity if you break the rules. Can't you see this? We are lied to since we are born, it kills that deep connection we have to the Universe. We are spiritual beings, there is so much potential right inside of us. We are taught the pineal gland is absolutely function-less. That it has no purpose. Every part of the human body has a purpose, or it wouldn't be there. The pineal glad is a very special organ in the center of our brains. It's use is intuition, extra sensory perception, energy control, astral projection and such.

It is praised and put on a pedestal in all of ancient society and writings. It's symbol is the pine cone. I will include some pictures, but this is hidden from us. We aren't taught about it because if we were to learn our true potential, the government truly would be powerless.

As you can see, there is a lot more going on in the world than you were taught, and the more you dig, the more you find out that we are living in a dust pile compared to what the Earth used to be. When everything has been killed, used as resources, hidden, burnt to the ground, corroded for the Elites benefit - it's just sad. We can do something about it. Spread the truth, fall down the rabbit hole and see how deep it goes. The truth is hidden from us in plain sight. It's time for us to open our eyes to the reality of the fact nothing we are taught is factual. To learn the truth, open your mind and do your research. Not all truthers are nuts, some of us actually know what we are talking about. This is one reason I launched the Forum section of this platform yesterday. I wanted to provide people a place to discuss these things, a place away from the censorship of Facebook where everything you do is monitored, everything you say is flagged, and your data is sold to Corporate Analytica. No, step out of that shadow, share what you know so other people can learn. We are a strong people, it's time to stand our ground and learn who we really are, and what we are capable of.

Look at what is happening all over social media right now, the whole Storm Area 51 thing. This wouldn't be happening if nothing was hidden from us. Granted, the military in no way is going to allow Area 51 to be stormed. They have secret sonic weapons that can take out huge crowds of people all at once. The message is clear though, we demand to know more. We won't put up with secrets any longer. The time has come that we know who we are, what we can do, where we came from and so on. It all starts with an open mind. You are stronger than you realize, so do some research, share what you know, because the day is coming when we wake up, and see the world for what it is, it's potential, instead of the lies that are fed to us.

Written by Demetri Welsh of the RVP Platform. (www.rawveganpsychic.com)

How To Tell If You Are Cursed

Bad things happen to good people all the time. Car wrecks, pet passing away, family member dying, flat tires - it's never fun. If you've found this article it means you're already wondering if you have a curse on you. When it rains it pours and right now you are going through a lot of unexplainable things. The thing that led me to write this post is a lot of negative issues are popping up in my own life. Let's just say it was time to burn that white sage. The hot water heater went out, the truck gave out, we had a gas leak - if it's not one thing it's another and it becomes a lot to keep up with. It is my point with this article to give you the signs that you've been cursed, along with how to break it.

I want to first talk about family curses. They are very rare. I would say only about .01% of curses out there are family curses. They are real and as I've psychic healing mentioned in a previous article I had one on me. Not fun to say the least and it took years to break it. Odds are you do not have a family curse on you. Bad things happen all the time for no reason, that is life unfortunately. In the rare case that you do in fact have a curse on you, the signs below will definitely apply to what you are going through.

The most common signs of a curse are you are a healthy person. You've never had anything significant happen to you medically. All the sudden you start getting injured, you start to fall ill, your body just doesn't feel right and you know something is wrong. You have always been in good physical, mental and spiritual health. Now it just feels like your body has given up on you and there is no logical reason for it. This could be an indicator that you've been cursed.

Another sign that you've been cursed is you're having the worst luck and it doesn't feel to spirit cord cutting be stopping. Normally things tend to go your way. Things almost all the time just go right in your life. Now all the sudden things are going wrong left and right. As mentioned in the beginning of this article, I've been going through this lately too. Whether it's the water heater busting and flooding my house, my truck just breaking down out of nowhere and it's always been a good vehicle, I have never had natural gas in my home, I've always been afraid of fires so I keep everything electric. Turns out we've had a gas leak in our house for a few weeks now, and it's not even connected! You see, if things like this are just going wrong for you, you're probably cursed so read on to the end of this article. I do give instructions for removing the curse yourself, without the help of anyone else.

If you are a Pagan, or belong to any sort of magical community where there are other witches, your chances of being cursed are significantly raised. I know we all want to believe that other witches are nice and supportive, yet when things get dramatic other witches are much more likely to have you cursed than a non-witch. For me, I've been a professional online psychic for over a decade now. I have come across many evil people who do get intimidated by my success. Some magic users don't like that I help my clients get out of those sticky situations so then I become a target. It's not right and it's not fair. Yet it is real, so if you have ever been a part of some magical community, you've probably been cursed.

Another sign of a curse is you have broken glass on your front step, or in your front yard. Broken glass is a very common tool in curses, it's used in all different types of curses and spells. So if you see broken glass around your home and it definitely is out of place, it's a sign of curses yet the same thing goes for chicken bones. Chicken bones are another common tool in dark magic. If you have random chicken bones in or around your home, it's a sign you've been hexed yet don't be afraid. It's nothing that you won't be able to remove yourself once you know how to.

Strange animal occurrences are frequently happening around you when you've been hexed or cursed. Animal familiars are used to 'spy' on the ones they cast the curse on. I have some clients who this happens to. Animals are very sensitive to energies, and because of their psychic links with humans, they can be used to 'look' through just to keep tabs. Animals dying or going missing are also signs of dark magic. Have you had a pet start keeping tabs on you that doesn't belong to you, or has your pet become ill or died out of nowhere? You could have a curse on you.

A huge sign that you’ve been cursed are your guides are flat out telling you. The messages can come in different psychic affiliate network forms. Whether it’s seeing signs on TV, hearing them on the radio station, your ‘gut’ is telling you something is wrong or whatever the case. Usually if you ask your guides to confirm the warnings they will. So if your intuition is flat out telling you that you’ve been cursed then odds are you have been. Guides will not lie to you.

If you are absolutely in love with your partner, you two have never really gotten into any fights and you find your relationship all the sudden flat out dying or falling apart. This can be a sign you’ve been cursed because let’s face it. If there are no reasons for the relationship to be falling apart yet you just feel like you’re being pushed away, someone may not want you two to be together. Jealousy, greed, lust - they are all low vibrations and will cause people to do down right evil things.

There are many more signs of being cursed from strange objects on your property, random negative thoughts, missing personal items, bad omens and so on. It’s important for you to know you can break this, you don’t have to live like this. To break curses on you there are several things you can do. Get a piece of red yarn or a ribbon. Tie eight knots in it and say ‘Energy I call to you, break this curse and make me new’. Say that every time you tie the knot and when you’re done, put that ribbon under your bed mattress. This will help shield you until the curse releases. Another way is simple white sage burning. In every single room in your house, especially where you spend the most time. This is a high vibration energy that pushes out the unwanted negative energy, and this includes curses. Another way to shield yourself or get rid of a curse is to carry a pure quartz crystal piece with you. It’s energy naturally pushes low vibrations away. An uncrossing shower or bath will help. For the bath, soak yourself in salted water. This is basically a spiritual cleansing that helps un-tie those cords that have been placed on you. Know that the curse is broken, then simply move on with your life. Your mind is powerful and it’s capable of anything.

The most important thing is to know you’re getting through this, and know that you yourself have the power to overcome anything thrown at you. Keep safe through this pandemic, it’s going to get worse before it gets better and know I will be here for you if you ever need me. Have a more peaceful week ahead ~

Written by Demetri Welsh of the RVP Platform. (www.rawveganpsychic.com)

Self Healing: Beginners Approach

Self healing is the ability to heal yourself using ones own energy. This can be physical healing, spiritual healing, mental healing, emotional healing - the possibilities are endless. It is important for you to know that we are all born with the ability to heal our-self. The mind is a powerful tool. For example if you sit and tell yourself that your stomach hurts, and you believe it with everything you have - your stomach will start to hurt. The same applies with healing. With truly believing something, seeing it with your minds eye and putting that energy out there you are literally causing a physical reaction. In this article I want to go into more detail about how your mind can not only heal other people, but it can heal yourself and much more. Your mind can do anything.

I want to first start with an example of scientifically proven mental abilities. This is a real test on how human energy can change physical things. There was a study using just regular water. When the energy of hate was put into the water, the water molecules would be horrendously scary looking - like monsters. When the love energy psychic affiliate network was pushed into the same water, those molecules would literally change into beautiful snowflake looking molecules. Our mind is powerful, and the reason I bring this up is because that same energy is used in healing not only other people, but yourself. Everyone has energy - that is life. Yet for those that know how to use it, you can create physical changes in the world. If you sit and think about how much you just hate someone, you are sending that energy out to them, causing biological changes. Ever wonder why 'spells' or 'curses' cause harm on someone? That's because that hatred and negative energy was focused on them. It causes real harm. Focusing pure healing energy into someone, pure love energy directed at them you can cause physical healing. I have included the video below regarding the test on water, you will find it fascinating at just how powerful our thoughts are.


As you can see, it's quite impressive, and we all have the ability to do this. Our thoughts are constantly making the world around us. If you tell yourself that you are having a bad day, or you wake up and say another shitty day - that is how your day is going to be because you just made it that way. On the contrary, if you wake up and say this is an amazing day, or today is going to be beautiful, your day will more than likely be an amazing day as you said - and your mind, your thoughts just made that happen. This is why it's so important to stay positive, especially with the way the world is today through this pandemic. The world is worried, the world is in fear and can you imagine what all these negative thoughts are doing? They are making it so much worse than it has to be. Even through this pandemic, we have to know that it won't last forever, and you have to know you're going to make it through it. Create your world, create your reality, create your future.

Getting back to the self healing, it's quite easy and you can do it in many ways. One method of self healing is to put your right palm over your heart and close your eyes. Tell yourself in your mind that you are healing, that healing is taking place, that you are healed, that the problem is gone - release that energy. Send psychic healing pure love directly into yourself and feel everything just relax. See the peace, feel psychic reading affiliates the peace, tell yourself that you are healing. Do this often, everyday and see the difference. It will energy healing cause physical healing on top of any other healing you may not even know you needed. I find this to be the most effective method of self healing.

Another method of self healing of course is to look yourself in the mirror. Not a lot of people like to do this, so many people have insecurities these days but you have to realize if you can't love yourself, then you can't heal yourself. Love yourself, I can promise you are the best 'you' there ever will be. Anyhow, look yourself in the mirror, tell yourself that you are healing, that healing is taking place, that you deserve to be healed, that the healing has started. Tell yourself 'I love you' once in awhile, it really works and other people will see that within yourself. Right now we are all having to stay home for the most part, so it's the perfect time to start the self healing. It's time to impress yourself with just how powerful your mind is.

The other method of self healing involves water. Water has been known as a very powerful tool - for both good and bad because it amplifies the energy put into it. So, fill the bathtub with warm water, make it smell good and put your hands on top of the water. Send that healing energy into it. Tell the water it is healed, that it is already healing, that healing is taking place. Put pure love energy into that water and soak in it for as long as you want. You will feel better. If you are showering the same applies. Just tell the water that it's healing, that it's healed, that healing is taking place. Put pure love into that water as it comes down on you, tell yourself that you are healed, that healing is taking place - you will feel better because your thoughts, your energy is physically changing that water, it's amazing really.

Everyone needs self healing, and it's easier than you ever thought. I would challenge you to implement one of the methods mentioned above, and try it. Create the world around you starting from within, and watch everything just lighten up around you. Sometimes the biggest weight on our shoulders is the one we put there all by our self yet the good thing is you can take it right back off too. Explore the world of self healing, change your life.

Written by Demetri Welsh of the RVP Platform. (www.rawveganpsychic.com)

Mental Abilities: Is it just science fiction?

Hearing the topic of spiritual abilities or mental powers immediately sends images of Superman or psychic healing Matilda into your mind for most people. Hollywood has done an amazing job through movies and shows portraying these powers in almost every production these days but are they real? This is something I want to dive more into in this article because to answer this question right up front, yes. Spiritual abilities are very real, and more people have them than you would imagine. You yourself may even have them so grab some popcorn, and let's give right into this!

There are many types of spiritual abilities, they are countless actually and can vary anywhere from premonition all the way to literally being able to move things with your mind. Anything you can think of is possible, the only issue is we have been put into a box so to speak since birth. With religion, rules and boundaries being forced into our minds it's no wonder people have shut themselves off to our true potential. So you have to un-program yourself. Open yourself up to the possibility of this whole new untapped energy inside of you that is very real. Watch your life change.

We are all born with what is called a pineal gland. This is a gland in the center of all our heads that literally looks like an eye - that's why it's been called our third eye throughout history. Anyhow, medically we are told this gland regulates our sleeping patterns and certain chemicals in our systems but what we aren't told is this is the source of spiritual abilities. That is why the pineal gland was so prominent in many ancient cultures, and still is to this day being represented as a pine cone in our very own Vatican. This gland is usually calcified as we go through puberty rendering it useless when it comes to spiritual abilities yet for a select few of us, this gland doesn't get shut off. It can lay dormant for decades just waiting to be activated. A severe trauma, severe emotional distress or anything traumatic can jolt it to life and this is when people start to realize their abilities.

Abilities are generally genetic. In some family lines the pineal gland just doesn't calcify, and it is in these families you will notice spiritual abilities run very deep - to the very roots of when that family began for as long as time itself. Interesting right? My sister, my father, my aunts, my grandfather and so on - we all have weird abilities. For example, computers fail around my father. They just refuse to work. He can go through over 5 computers in one day one failing after the other. This is called electrokinesis - the ability to disturb electrical fields around you and when developed it can be a very powerful tool. Right now he's just learning he has it and gets so mad. My grandfather was never able to wear a watch. They would all just stop working. My sister has dreams of the future. She's seen everything that's happened in the past few months with amazing accuracy - even living in a completely different state than I do. My aunt is a sensitive, she feels the energies of people around her. Things used to move around me as a child, it's something I am actively working on diving back into. I can also see future events, lucid dream, I interfere with electricity like my father and I am still developing new gifts all the time. There are too many to list here but I want to dive a little more into defining some gifts that you might have. Diving into your spiritual abilities can be one of the most interesting things you ever do, a time of spirit cord cutting getting to know yourself. Opening up your mind to the fact these abilities are very real. Once you see it for yourself, it will change your life.

Apportation – The ability to undergo materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object.

Astral projection or mental projection – The ability to voluntarily project the astral body (consciousness), being associated with the out-of-body experience, in which the astral body is felt to temporarily separate from the physical body.

Automatic writing – The ability to draw or write without conscious intent.

Divination – The ability to gain insight into a situation using occult means.

Dowsing – The ability to locate water, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod.

Energy medicine – The ability to heal with one's own empathic etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy.

Mediumship or channeling – The ability to communicate with spirits.

Precognition or premonition – The ability to perceive future events.

Psychic surgery – The ability to remove disease or disorder within or over the body tissue via an "energetic" incision that heals immediately afterwards.

Psychokinesis or telekinesis – The ability to manipulate objects by the mind.

Psychometry or psychoscopy – The ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch.

Remote viewing, telesthesia or remote sensing – The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.

Retrocognition or postcognition – The ability to supernaturally perceive past events.

Telepathy – The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.

I can assure you that these abilities are very real. As mentioned earlier, these gifts tend to be stronger in family lines, but that doesn't mean you can't have them if your family doesn't. Anyone can develop mental abilities, it just takes research, practice, belief, patience and more importantly it takes concentration. Know that odds are you aren't going to start out moving things with your mind. That is actually one of the hardest abilities to get down. Start off small like lucid dreaming. That is playing around with your dreams, controlling them - and work your way up from there. Developing your abilities isn't something you can take lightly psychic affiliate network and expect huge changes. It's a lifestyle change, re-programming your mind to know this is real, that you can do it and that you really are more special than you had ever imagined. It's been inside of you the whole time.

So play around with it, look up some techniques you could learn. I personally bought the DVD sets below to start training myself with the telekinesis, I would recommend them to anyone! Share this article with your friends, be the change you want to see in the world. Open your mind, develop your gifts and share your legacy!

Written by Demetri Welsh of the RVP Platform. (www.rawveganpsychic.com)

Family Curses: Are they real?

The legend of family curses, otherwise known as blood curses or generational curses have been around for as long as time itself. Some families just experience things beyond the normal realm of coincidence. Famous examples of family curses include the Kennedy family, the Getty family, the Onnasis family, the Nepalese royal family and the list goes on and on. For example, the Kennedy family curse began in 1994 with Joseph Kennedy Jr.'s death during WWII, and has continued all the way up to the present day. President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert were assassinated, David Kennedy died of a serious drug overdose, JFK Jr. died in a plane crash, and Mary Kennedy committed suicide. The worst part? That isn't even the whole list. In today's article I want to go more into blood curses and give a personal example from my own family.

As some of my readers will already know, I was taken from my biological parents when I was only two years old being raised in foster care. I lived my whole life not having parents, and being separated from my biological brother and sister as a toddler I never had a normal sense of what a family should be. Well, this year has been a life changing year for me. Back in May of 2019 I reached out to my biological sister who is in prison as you guys know. We have been in constant communication with the exception of the past few weeks. We had a misunderstanding but like all families we will heal from it. Right around that time I reached out to my biological brother who I have been in contact with and it doesn't stop there either. Out of nowhere last week I got a message on Facebook. It was from a woman I will call Les in this article to protect her identity. She had arranged a DNA test with my biological father in efforts to find me. Apparently he had been trying to find me for over 30 years. Yes - this is Jerry Springer material.

As it turns out, when I was two years old, my biological uncle (my dads brother) had helped my mother steal me and my siblings from him. My uncle had signed court papers pretending to be my father in order to adopt me out just to spite my father. It took thirty years before any of this surfaced and it happened quite by accident - or was it fate? Long story short my father and I are now in constant communication, building this relationship from the ground up. I had sent him a copy of a court paper I had from the actual adoption process back in the 90's. I had always thought my father was named James Rob***on because that is who signed the paper as my father to consent my adoption. Turns out that is my uncle who pretended to be my father and my real dad didn't know! It was his own brother and after 30 years he kept it a secret. My dad never knew. So after finding this out we are in the process of suing the state of Arizona for allowing this to happen. It literally ruined four separate peoples life. We want justice. However the topic of this article is blood curses so let me dive a bit deeper here for you.

I was stolen from my father when I was two years old. My son was stolen from me when he was two years old. My sisters son was stolen from her when she was two years old. One of my aunts was separated from her siblings when she was two years old. My father died three separate times when he was two years old. My other aunt went through her private traumas when she was two years old. I am sure as I keep digging more will surface but the fact here is there is a blood curse. Turns out everyone in my family has gifts of some sort. My one aunt is a sensitive. My other aunt has spiritual gifts. My dad has a strong aura others can feel. My sister is intuitive. I have my certain gifts. It makes me really think hard and focus because this is all too much to be coincidence. I've always felt something around me, like a dark energy that was watching me. It's been around me my whole life and I was talking to my aunt about energy healing it earlier today, she says she's felt the same thing around her too. This is definitely a family thing and there has to be a way to break the curse.

Everyone in my family that I talk to about this agrees - they've always knew it was a curse too and we all agree we will break it. We just have to come together to find a way. Our first step is to find justice for the extreme family betrayal - my uncle helping my mom steal me and my siblings from the father who always loved us. It all starts here. You see the picture at the top of this article? It's a real picture of me, my brother and sister - me being the baby in the middle. Once upon a time we were happy - once upon a time we were safe. My second birthday took that all away from us. The curse had been activated for us so my honest opinion is curses are real. Absolutely - and family curses have been reported throughout history. Scary but true.

What do you think about family curses? Is there one on your family? Let others know in the comments and remember, even though curses are real there is always a way to break them. Talk with your family and find the solution that works best for you.

Written by Demetri Welsh of the RVP Platform. (www.rawveganpsychic.com)

Old Soul: Signs you are one

Have you found that your whole life you’ve just felt more grown up, more responsible and more mature than other people your age? Have you always found that you’re simply not interested in things peers your own age are interested in? If so then you may be an old soul and trust me, that isn’t a bad thing.

Have you ever met a child that is just so much ‘older’ than other kids and I’m not talking about physically. A child who just fits in with adults better than they fit in with other children. People that are just so much more wise and when you look into their eyes you know they are just on another level than others. In today’s article I want to dive into old souls, along with signs you may be one.

The first sign that you may be an old soul is just the sense of knowing there is always another way to do things, you just have a feeling there is never harm in trying. You keep pushing through, even when you don’t want to because you just know that it’s going to work out. You know that sometimes simple is better, so things don’t often require an intrinsic solution. You live by the knowing if it isn’t broken, then don’t fix it.

Another sign that you’re an old soul is you like to think things through, and not being able to think things through just leaves you feeling unsettled. It’s an important part of your process and it leaves you feeling more comfortable. Even after you have thought things through though, you don’t waste time asking the ‘why’s’. You have absolute trust in your intuition and the solutions you come up with. You know that you’ve done your part and you don’t have the patience to sit in efforts to justify yourself to anyone. You trust in yourself and your self trust usually always results in things going the right way.

A third sign that you’re an old soul is that you give advice way beyond your years, and you always have. You just seem to know how to do things, or have answers to questions you’ve never even had experience in. The knowledge just comes to you and people trust it. You don’t exactly know how you know these things yet the fact is you do. People trust you and have a way of opening up to you. You often find people telling you their life stories yet you’re okay with it - it’s always been this way. So if this is happening to you then you’re probably an old soul.

Another sign that you’re an old soul is you don’t like to go out just for the sake of going out. For you it’s always been quality not quantity. Don’t get me wrong, you love to go out and have fun, yet you don’t feel the need to do it just because someone else is doing it. You love nothing more than to stay home and do your own thing. You don’t need others in your life, and the ones you do choose to keep in it you value tremendously - you’d protect them with your life yet you don’t feel you have to surround yourself with many people to find happiness.

The fifth sign today that you’re an old soul is you have an appreciation for history, for old literature and such. Sure, you may not be religious yet books such as the Bible, Quran and other historical books are definitely on your shelf not for the spiritual side of it, yet for the history side of it. You can connect with it, you know it’s real even if it’s been stretched out of proportion - so anything historical such as historical figures, the pyramids and their history, things like that definitely are important to you. You might be an old soul if you find this is a description of you.

Another sign that you’re an old soul is you trust that everything happens for a reason. Yes, you used to stress out a lot more yet you find yourself coming more into the acceptance of everything, even the bad things because you know it’s all steering you to the path you’re meant to be on. You are mindful about what you spend your hours doing, and find that if you’re just sitting there doing nothing then you don’t feel productive. You’d rather be spending that time doing something worthwhile but you don’t get stressed about it. It’s more of an understanding it’s all happening, so accept it and do your part to manage through it.

The seventh sign that you’re an old soul is you value deep connections. When you love you love unconditionally and even though you may have your bad days, at the end of the day you’re not going to lose the people close to your heart. You’re protective and nurturing to these people. You don’t let many people in, but the people you do let in can trust you with their life. With you, it really requires a deep connection with someone in order to feel any connection at all yet again, it’s quality over quantity and you value the essence of these deep connections and you give yourself wholly to them.

The last sign out of many more that you’re an old soul is you don’t see the fuss about the latest craze going on. You don’t really need to have the things other people have to feel happy and you don’t feel the need to fit in, you psychic healing don’t spirit cord cutting see a point in it. You’ve never understood the point in being a style chaser. Sure, you have a tablet or a nice iPhone yet it really just sits there. Your computer works just fine so that is what you use. You don’t really care how your life fits in with the latest trend because you do what makes you happy, you’d rather just be yourself because you know these other things don’t define you.

There are many more signs that you’re an old soul, such as you truly value the meaning of giving, and you’ll give even when the receiving hand has no idea who sent it. You know, and in your heart you want to do more. It’s not about what you get back and it never has. A simple thank you or nothing at all will do, it’s the knowing you helped someone and because of you their life is just a little brighter than makes all the difference. If these signs apply to you then yes, you’re an old soul and that is special. Spread the love, knowledge and openness with the world because it only takes one person to make a difference.

Written by Demetri Welsh of the RVP Platform. (www.rawveganpsychic.com)

Spiritual Gifts: Signs you have them

We all have spiritual abilities. They stem from the pineal gland in the center of all our minds. Sometimes the pineal gland can become calcified as children and the natural gifts are shut off. With some other people however the pineal gland never shuts off, leaving us open to countless abilities that the mind is capable of. In this article today I want to go over some major signs that you yourself might have some spiritual gifts, and if so, how to develop them.

I first started noticing my gifts at a very young age - before I could even read. I just knew things others didn't know and I thought it was normal. I thought everyone could do it so it's become my life. It's become how I help people around the world on a daily basis yet it's important to realize we all have these gifts. Even email psychic reading if your pineal gland has in fact been calcified as a child during puberty there are safe ways to open it back up. Etherium Gold products are what I recommend to my clients and it works amazing by repairing the DNA, it's what the Ancient Egyptians used. Okay, so here are the main things to look for if you have spiritual abilities.

The first sign is you often pay attention to your dreams. The most often overlooked spiritual ability is lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is where you are able to control certain aspects of your dreams. You are able to walk where you want to walk. Say what you want to say. Do what you want to do and it's like a live action Nintendo game that you are controlling. When you get hurt in your dream, you feel it. You feel emotion, you smell the scents, you control the situations and this may seem like an amazing gift to have. I would admit, it's quite powerful yet oftentimes people with this gift wake up just as tired as they went to bed. It's not rest, you are still living it's just a different layer, something you aren't taught. It's a lot to grasp yet Lucid Dreaming is very real, and if you can do these things you definitely have spiritual power. Learn to use it, write your dreams down, start to experiment.

Another sign that you have curse removal a spiritual ability is you often have visions - and they tend to come true. For example, you are walking into your living room and all the sudden your friend or family member pops into your head. Then they happen to call or stop by. Another example is your ear starts ringing, come to find out someone was just talking about you or was about to contact you. Whatever it is, it's not just coincidence because it happens all the time. You know that you have something special so work with it. When this happens write it down. You are much more powerful than you think and if this happens, you have a spiritual gift.

The third sign that you have spiritual abilities is you have a 3-4am bathroom habit. I know that sounds weird but it may be happening for a reason. 3am - 4am is often known as the witching hour. The time of morning when the energy is at it's thinnest, rendering spiritual messages much stronger than they would have before. So if you have this habit every morning at the same time, odds are you definitely have a spiritual message coming through so sit, and 'take in' the energy around you. Listen to how it makes you feel or what it is telling you in your mind. It's a special gift to have.

The fourth sign that you have spiritual abilities are psychic network you get extremely empathic around other people. It's like you can't even go into big groups of people without getting the anxiety attacks, the shakes, the overload of emotion that you know is not coming from you. There is a reason for this. It's because you're a natural empath, you take on the energies around you whether it be from people, animals or other. You can take on other people's emotions. Sometimes you get upset, stressed, sad or really happy out of nowhere, only to come to find out someone else best spiritual blog around you was experiencing those emotions. This is a real gift, so remember how you feel in these times. You are picking up on other people's energy. You are an empath.

The fifth sign that you have spiritual abilities is you are extremely intuitive and it is much more than just a random occurrence. From having feelings someone is in trouble to have them reach out to you shortly after, or having the feeling someone is about to call and then they do - this ability is deep. For example, you have a dream of your grandmother coming to you only to find out she passed away that night. You have a feeling to keep pushing on even when others tell you to best online forum give up and it ends up working out for you. There are so many examples of this yet if you know you're intuitive and it's not just chance, you have a spiritual ability.

Another sign that you are spiritually gifted is you have a way of knowing what someone else is thinking. For example, you are thinking about something very specific, and then suddenly someone in the room says it outloud. Of you start talking about tacos only to find out the person in the same room was wanting tacos. Of course it's not just about the tacos even though I love them, it's about the bigger understanding that you were connected to something already before it happened. That is a special gift and if this happens to you then you are special.

There are so many more signs and symptoms of spiritual gifts. For example, things moving around you is telekinesis, being able to light the wick of a candle without touching it is pyrokinesis, being able to talk with spirits is mediumship. It goes on and on yet having spiritual gifts doesn't make you crazy or evil. It makes you special and you should embrace them. Never feel alone because there are so many of us that are waking up, realizing the potential of our minds and realizing it is a natural process. Those who discredit us are only intimidated. You are the new world so embrace your gifts. I will always be here to help on the RVP Platform (https://www.rawveganpsychic.com).

Spiritual Gifts: Signs you have them

We all have spiritual abilities. They stem from the pineal gland in the center of all our minds. Sometimes the pineal gland can become calcified as children and the natural gifts are shut off. With some other people however the pineal gland never shuts off, leaving us open to countless abilities that the mind is capable of. In this article today I want to go over some major signs that you yourself might have some spiritual gifts, and if so, how to develop them.

I first started noticing my gifts at a very young age - before I could even read. I just knew things others didn't know and I thought it was normal. I thought everyone could do it so it's become my life. It's become how I help people around the world on a daily basis yet it's important to realize we all have these gifts. Even if your pineal gland has in fact been calcified as a child during puberty there are safe ways to open it back up. Etherium Gold products are what I recommend to my clients and it works amazing by repairing the DNA, it's what the Ancient Egyptians used. Okay, so here are the main things to look for if you have spiritual abilities.

The first sign is you often pay attention to your dreams. The most often overlooked spiritual ability is lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is where you are able to control certain aspects of your dreams. You are able to walk where you want to walk. Say what you want to say. Do what you want to curse removal do and it's like a live action Nintendo game that you are controlling. When you get hurt in your dream, you feel it. You feel emotion, you smell the scents, you control the situations and this may seem like an amazing gift to have. I would admit, it's quite powerful yet oftentimes people with this gift wake up just as tired as they went to bed. It's not rest, you are still living it's just a different layer, something you aren't taught. It's a lot to grasp yet Lucid Dreaming is very real, and if you can do these things you definitely have spiritual power. Learn to use it, write your dreams down, start to experiment.

Another sign that you have a spiritual ability is you often have visions - and they tend to come true. For example, you are walking into your living room and all the sudden your friend or family member pops into your head. Then they happen to call or stop by. Another example is your ear starts ringing, come to find out someone was just talking about you or was about to contact you. Whatever it is, it's not just coincidence because it happens all the time. You know that you have something special so work with it. When this happens write it down. You are much more powerful than you think and if this happens, you have a spiritual gift.

The third sign that you have spiritual abilities is you have a 3-4am bathroom habit. I know that sounds weird but it may be happening for a reason. 3am - 4am is often known as the witching hour. The time of morning when the energy is at it's thinnest, rendering spiritual messages much stronger than they would have before. So if you have this habit every morning at the same time, odds are you definitely have a spiritual message coming through so sit, and 'take in' the energy around you. Listen to how it makes you feel or what it is telling you in your mind. It's a special gift to have.

The fourth sign that you have spiritual abilities are you get extremely empathic around other people. It's like you can't even go into big groups of people without getting the anxiety attacks, the shakes, the overload of emotion that you know is not coming from you. There is a reason for this. It's because you're a natural empath, you take on the energies around you whether it be from people, animals or other. You can take on other people's emotions. Sometimes you get upset, stressed, sad or really happy out of email psychic reading nowhere, only to come to find out someone else around you was experiencing those emotions. This is a real gift, so remember how you feel in these times. You are picking up on other people's energy. You are an empath.

The fifth sign that you have spiritual abilities is you are extremely intuitive and it is much more than just a random occurrence. From having feelings someone is in trouble to have them reach out to you shortly after, or having the feeling someone is about to call and then they do - this ability is deep. For example, you have a dream of your grandmother coming to you only to find out she passed away that night. You have a feeling to keep pushing on even when others tell you to give up and it ends up working out for you. There are so many examples of this yet if you know you're intuitive and it's not just chance, you have a spiritual ability.

Another sign that you are spiritually gifted is you have a way of knowing what someone else is thinking. For example, you are thinking about something very specific, and then suddenly someone in the room says it outloud. Of you start talking about tacos only to find out the person in the same room was wanting tacos. Of course it's not just about the tacos even though I love them, it's about the bigger understanding that you were connected to something already before it happened. That is a special gift and if this happens to you then you are special.

There are psychic network so many more signs and symptoms of spiritual gifts. For example, things moving around you is telekinesis, being able to light the wick of a candle without touching it is pyrokinesis, being able to talk with spirits is mediumship. It goes on and on yet having spiritual gifts doesn't make you crazy best spiritual blog or evil. It makes you special and you should embrace them. Never feel alone because there are so many of us that are waking up, realizing the potential of our minds and realizing it is a natural process. Those who discredit us are only intimidated. You are the new world so embrace your gifts. best online forum I will always be here to help on the RVP Platform (https://www.rawveganpsychic.com).

Spiritual Gifts: Signs you have them

We all have spiritual abilities. They stem from the pineal gland in the center of all our minds. Sometimes the pineal gland can become calcified as children and the natural gifts are shut off. With some other people however the pineal gland never shuts off, leaving us open to countless abilities that the mind is capable of. In this article today I want to go over some major signs that you yourself might have some spiritual gifts, and if so, how to develop them.

I first started noticing my gifts at a very young age - before I could even read. I just knew things others didn't know and I thought it was normal. I thought everyone could do it so it's become my life. It's become how I help people around the world on a daily basis yet it's important to realize we all have these gifts. Even if your pineal gland has in fact been calcified as a child during puberty there are safe ways to open it back up. Etherium Gold products are what I recommend to email psychic reading my clients and it works amazing by repairing the DNA, it's what the Ancient Egyptians used. Okay, so here are the main things to look for if you have spiritual abilities.

The first sign is you often pay attention to your dreams. The most often overlooked spiritual ability is lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is where you are able to control certain aspects of your dreams. You are able to walk where you want to walk. Say what you psychic network want to say. Do what you want to do and it's like a live action Nintendo game that you are controlling. When you get hurt in your dream, you feel it. You feel emotion, you smell the scents, you control the situations and this may seem like an amazing gift to have. I would admit, it's quite powerful yet oftentimes people with this gift wake up just as tired as they went to bed. It's not rest, you are still living it's just a different layer, something you aren't taught. It's a lot to grasp yet Lucid Dreaming is very real, and if you can do these things you definitely have spiritual power. Learn to use it, write your dreams down, start to experiment.

Another sign that you have a spiritual ability is you often have visions - and they tend to come true. For example, you are walking into your living room and all the sudden your friend or family member pops into your head. Then they happen to call or stop by. Another example is your ear starts ringing, come to find out someone was just talking about you or was about to contact you. Whatever it is, it's not just coincidence because it happens all the time. You know that you have something best online forum special so work with it. When this happens write it down. You are much more powerful than you think and if this happens, you have a spiritual gift.

The third sign that you have spiritual abilities is you have a 3-4am bathroom habit. I know that sounds weird but it may be happening for a reason. 3am - 4am is often known as the witching hour. The time of morning when the energy is at it's thinnest, rendering spiritual messages much stronger than they would have before. So if you have this habit every morning at the same time, odds are you definitely have a spiritual message coming through so sit, and 'take in' the energy around you. Listen to how it makes you feel or what it is telling you in your mind. It's a special gift to have.

The fourth sign that you have spiritual abilities are you get extremely empathic around other people. It's like you can't even go into big groups of people without getting the anxiety attacks, the shakes, the overload of emotion that you know is not coming from you. There is a reason for this. It's because you're a natural empath, you take on the energies around you whether it be from people, animals or other. You can take on other people's emotions. Sometimes you get upset, stressed, sad or really happy out of nowhere, only to come to find out someone else around you was experiencing those emotions. This is a real gift, so remember how you feel in these times. You are picking up on other people's energy. You are an empath.

The fifth sign that you have spiritual abilities is you are extremely intuitive and it is much more than just a random occurrence. From having feelings someone is in trouble to have them reach out to you shortly after, or having the feeling someone is about to call and then they do - this ability is deep. For example, you have a dream of your grandmother coming to you only to find out she passed away that night. You have a feeling to keep pushing on even when others tell you to give up and it ends up working out for you. There are so many examples of this yet if you know you're intuitive and it's not just chance, you have a spiritual ability.

Another sign that you are spiritually gifted is you have a way of knowing what someone else is thinking. For example, you are thinking about something very specific, and then suddenly someone in the room says it outloud. Of you start talking about tacos only to find out the person in the same room was wanting tacos. Of course it's not just about the tacos even though I love them, it's about the bigger understanding that you were connected to something already before it happened. That is a special gift and if this happens to you then you are special.

There are so many more signs and symptoms of spiritual gifts. For example, things moving around you is telekinesis, being able to light the wick of a candle without touching it is pyrokinesis, being able to talk with spirits is mediumship. It goes on and on yet having spiritual gifts doesn't make you crazy or evil. curse removal It makes you special and you should embrace them. Never feel alone because there are so many of us that are waking up, realizing the potential of our minds and realizing it is a natural process. Those who discredit us are only intimidated. best spiritual blog You are the new world so embrace your gifts. I will always be here to help on the RVP Platform (https://www.rawveganpsychic.com).